Saturday, September 8, 2007


01. If you could have super powers what would they be and what would you do with them? if i could have super powers I would want to be able to fly. Just to feel the exhilaration.

02. Were you to find yourself stranded on an island with a CD could happen...what would your top 10 bloggers island discs be?
1. Regina Spektor- Soviet Kitch
2. Regina Spektor- Begin to Hope
3. Pure 70's
4. The Essential Billy Joel Collection
5. The Killers
6. The Beatles
7. Hillsong united
8. John Mayer
9. Queen
10. Rent

03. If you were a smell what would it be? Cotton Candy. Who doesn't like the smell of cotton candy?

04. What bird would you most like to be?
Hmm. A chicken!

05. If you were a bird who's head would you poo on?
I would poo on anyways head that looked rude.

06. Are there any foods that your body craves?
I always crave ravioli.

07. What's your favourite time of year?

08. What's your favourite time of day?

09. If a rest is as good as a change which would you choose? A

10. If you could have a dinner party and invite any 5 people from the past or present who would they be (living or deceased)?
1. Gene Wilder
2. Mel Brooks
3. Marty Feldman
4. Jesus
5. Johnny Depp

Here is Aunt Christy's and I have tagged my cousin Julia

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

School Days

Well look at how happy we are! First day of school and smiles everywhere.

BUT! If you could look inside those happy girls you would see the PAIN AND ANGUISH THEY ARE SUFFERING.

Long sleepless nights, waking up early to take a shower. Entering the rat race for another ..wonderful.. year of school.
Okay in all reality school wasn't that bad except for a couple annoying kids and little freshman wandering around. I accidentally gave one freshman girl the wrong directions to a class. oops. And I was ogled by some frightening individuals but I tried not to mind. -shudder-
And nealsy is in 3/6 classes. BUT other than that it was fine. The coffee kicked in around 2nd period. Well, we are having Subway now for Coco's birthday party and my mother is threatening to slice me into bits if I don't get off.
Okay she didn't say that. But..I could see it in her eyes.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


I am having trouble sleeping lately. Which might be, because I sleep in till noon..or three...or five.

But I am blaming it on the coming up of school.

I went to church today with 2 hours of sleep and felt myself nodding off as Pastor Carey was talking so I sipped more coffee out of my giant mug. [I am going to be like my mother here and insert and random picture of the object I am talking about.]

I joked with "z2" [I will come up with a more clever nickname later] about a story in the bible. Hopefully that is not a sin. I was thinking about that also. Is making jokes about stories in the Bible a sin. Hopefully not, because Pastor Carey was talking about Jehoshaphat and I wondered if anyone ever giggled at his name. I read on, and there was a story about his son who I guess wasn't a very good boy, because it told a story how he "prostituted himself out to the Israelites and had a bad bowel disease"

I shuddered and read on.

It went on to talk about how he died because all of his bowels fell out.

Then "Z2" left to go boating and left me alone with "skunk girl" [hehehe] so I had to do something else to keep myself awake.

So I read Leviticus!...

And became deeply depressed because, it kept saying what to do if you are unclean, and if you have a skin disease you are unclean, and if a priests daughter becomes a prostitute you have to kill her, by lighting her on fire.

And stuff about what to do if someone has intercourse with an animal.

I became very uncomfortable and probably kept twitching. I know a few times my mouth flew open and I sat in shock.

Anywhos, after waiting another hour for my parents to get done talking about who knows what, we finally high-tailed it out of there. And went to Mcdonalds! I am glad reading about "unclean" bodies affected me.

-rolls eyes-

I got a "Mighty Kids Meal" because it had Fosters home for imaginary friends toys! You can see the fellow they call "Wilt" in the bottom left hand corner of the picture.

[btw mom if you are reading this the McDonalds is NOT by the computer it is all in your mind.]